Be a Fly on the Wall of My Life

My thoughts, feelings and surges of random writing fever.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Questions of Happiness

What is happiness?
I went to a church service last Sunday and the pastor told us 3 steps to finding happiness. Surprisingly, they all had to do with feeling depressed, sad and empty. He said feeling those things is the only way to realize happiness when we see it.

I think most people think of happiness as something that you feel when you are constantly smiling and are content. I think those play a part in happiness, but I don't think that's all there is. I think it's about feeling a part of something, being fulfilled. I don't think any normal person can ever be happy if they are truly alone. We need other people to need us, want us around, talk to us. It's natural to want to be with other people, that's how God made us, to be a set. And even if you don't have a mate, you still need a group. When was the last time you met someone that was happy who didn't have a job, a family or goals? Even though those things can be trials, they are also the source of our happiness. Only after we've worked for something, or through something can we truly appreciate it.

I think that's why so many people aren't happy. They think that happiness comes when you don't have any responsibilities and you can just sit back and relax and bask in the love of your sweetheart. While vacations are nice for awhile, you can't constantly live like that. You get bored, antsy, cranky. You have to fight for something to find satisfaction. And I think that is the true source of happiness. Caring about something enough to fight for it, and win.


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